If Only I Was Green

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April 22, 2006

Review: "Spaceman" by Jane Cutler

Well, the oldest boy got his very first library card a few weeks ago. He was quite proud and very thoughtfully checked a book out for me. I don’t know why he chose “Spaceman” by Jane Cutler but I felt obligated to read it. I suspect that it was because he LOVES space and robots and knows that I do too. But “Spaceman” is not really a story about space. It’s the story of a fifth grade boy named Gary. This is Gary’s journey from regular school to special ed. I was shocked at how the adults at the regular school were portrayed. At how inconsiderate and thoughtless they were, but I suppose that the presentation reflects reality from Gary’s perspective. This is certainly a great book for starting a conversation with your kids about how people are different and how we need to be considerate and respectful of people’s differences. I’m going to wait on reading this one to the kids until they’re old enough to have that conversation.


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